Friday, April 22, 2011

Broccoli and gorgonzola cream soup

Sometimes I really need some vegetable soup. It's the most comforting food I can imagine. Especially if it is a cream soup. The brilliant thing about it is that it doesn't have to be complicated. To me the best vegetable cream soups are plane, with one or two components and with no thickeners (like flour or heavy cream).

One of my strong favorites is pumpkin cream soup I recently made. Another one is broccoli cream (I seem to like broccoli almost no matter how it is cooked). This time I made it with gorgonzola cheese. With its delicate flavor (relatively to most of other kinds of blue cheese) the combination played fine. The savory tender gorgonzola pieces melting in natural sweet broccoli cream. To get the thing you do almost nothing.

Broccoli and gorgonzola cream soup (recipe is my usual one)

serves 1

1 clove garlic
200 gr broccoli (I used the frozen one and it played fine)
30 gr gorgonzola cheese
freshly ground black pepper (I thought it might be too strong for broccoli, but it didn't turn out overwhelming)
olive oil

Peel and bruise the garlic clove. Heat some 2 tbs of olive oil in a medium pan. Add the garlic and fry for 1-2 minutes, till the aroma gets into the oil. Discard the garlic.

Add the broccoli and cook stirring for 1-2 minutes. Add half a glass of water, cover and cook for another 3-4 minutes.

Purée the broccoli with the liquid using a blender and transfer the cream back to the pan. Heat gently, season with salt and pepper to taste. Add some water if needed to reach the right thin soup texture.

Pour the cream into the serving plate. Using a tea spoon cut small pieces of gorgonzola and add to the soup. Add a few drops of olive oil and enjoy.

Related posts and pages:

Broccoli and Brie cheese gratin
Jamie Oliver's pasta with oozy cheese sauce
Italian food


  1. i love gorgonzola and i love soup so this makes so much sense! thank you so much for the recipe. it's on my to-try list now. :)

  2. Thanks Maria. Another great simple recipe for the dacha this weekend

  3. Thank you! That's great to hear :-). Hope you will enjoy.

  4. This looks really good, I love vegetable soups.

  5. Thanks! Me too. Great simple food. I should make some minestrone soon.

  6. Thanks, Maria, for dropping by and following me!!
    Appreciate it!

  7. Oh, I instantly got interested :-) will closely follow your Russian adventures

  8. I love your fresh ingredients and healthy food recipe!


  9. Loved your blog! Now following you :-)

  10. This sounds delicious, I am haeving a soup for a year project and will definitely try this, thank you for the tutorial!

  11. Thank you charlotte! Great to hear this.
    What kind of project are you doing? Is that specifically broccoli you are looking for?
