Friday, May 6, 2011

Gorgonzola and spinach pasta

Since I started this blog I noticed that virtually all my favorite pasta recipes contain fettuccine / linguine / tagliatelle and cream sauce. The only exception seems to be pasta with home made pesto.

Gorgonzola sauce (and gorgonzola cheese overall) is my big passion. However like in case with pesto pasta I prefer making it at home. Somehow the home made gorgonzola pasta tastes better to me most of the time. So when I eat pasta out I normally end up choosing mushroom cream sauce which often turns out good.

The dish is ridiculously simple. You just get proper gorgonzola cheese, good pasta, spend 10 minutes at your stove and done. You can easily skip spinach if you dislike it or don't have it at hand.

Pasta with gorgonzola sauce and spinach (recipe is my usual one)

serves 4

300 gr tagliatelle (or other pasta of your choice)
100 gr gorgonzola cheese
200 gr heavy cream
2 tbs olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and bruised
freshly ground black pepper
2 handfuls of fresh spinach leaves (optional)

Heat the oil in a medium pan. Add the garlic and fry for 1-2 minutes till the aroma gets into the oil. Throw the garlic away and reduce the heat to low. Add the cream and gorgonzola cut into pieces. Heat gently stirring till the cheese melts.

Add the spinach (if using) and let it soften stirring gently. Remove from heat.

Cook the pasta al dente and drain. Add the pasta to the pan with the sauce and stir to get it evenly covered.

Serve immediately (the sauce looses silky texture when cools down and it happens quite fast).

Related posts and pages:

Gorgonzola and spinach risotto
Broccoli and gorgonzola cream soup
Pasta with home made pesto
Jamie Oliver's pasta with oozy cheese sauce
Quiche with red onion and blue cheese

Mi piace Moscow restaurant - and really, I like it
Benvenuto Moscow Italian restaurant

My cookbooks shelf


  1. What does the "?" after "very nice" stand for?))))
    Heavy cream is just cream (сливки) with 33-35% fat
