Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Petits sablés (French butter cookies)


I love making cookies since I was a little girl helping my mother in the kitchen. Every Christmas we would stock lots of nuts, butter, sugar and flour and start mixing the short pastry. Then we'd roll it, take out the little shapes and start cutting out the stars, hearts, rounds, rhombs and crescents.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pasta with home made pesto

I was shopping in Bahetle today and while searching for spinach I found a pack with fresh basil. It was just impossible to tear my nose from these fragrant leaves, so the pack came with me. My new food processor got delivered just today and that was a brilliant chance to see it in action. I was going to make fresh pesto.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Italian spicy custard

I came across this dessert when I worked in a Moscow Gastronom cooking studio. For the Italian class the trainer proposed to make two varieties of panna cotta. The first one was a classical jellied sweet cream served with fruits and fruit sauce. The second turned out to be a delicious spicy Italian custard.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The perfect vanilla sauce

If I had to pick one favorite dessert sauce it would definitely be creme anglaise. With its intense vanilla flavor, its thin and light structure it is just a perfect complement to many of my favorite sweets, especially fruit cakes and crumbles, chocolate fondant and muffins. I like it so much that it became my habit to make it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just apple and strawberry crumble

It's been a long time since I made my last crumble. I'm a big fan of cheese and apple cobbler in Coffee bean. Since I first tried it I made several attempts to replicate it at home. None of them worked. Once I'll have to find a way to get access to their recipe. However because of these trials I got enthusiastic about making fruit crumbles.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jamie Oliver's pasta with oozy cheese sauce

I've been watching a lot of Jamie at home on youtube lately. It's just unbelievable how inspiring Jamie oliver recipes are. Whatever I start watching: chilies, strawberries, pizza, I just want to try and make everything. And ideally even get my own garden. Though the garden might be a bit too much for me already.