Monday, January 24, 2011

Crispy cheese quesadillas

Last night I started from guacamole and ended up also making quesadillas (sandwiched tortillas with cheese based filling) because I came across this wonderful Jamie Oliver recipe. They worked perfectly - Michael (my little brother) kept happy and occupied by the tortilla chips and quesadillas for the whole dinner and I even still have some guacamole left for myself.

Crispy cheese quesadillas (recipe adapted from Jamie Oliver)

4 white tortillas
1 fresh red chilly
some spring onions
fresh coriander
1/2 fresh sweet red pepper
100 gr grated cheese (Jamie uses cheddar, I used mozzarella, you are free to chose)
freshly ground black pepper
olive oil

Finely chop the chilly, spring onions, coriander and sweet red pepper (or use the blender). Combine those in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Add half a spoon of olive oil and stir to mix.

Spread half the mixture around one tortilla and cover with another one. Repeat with the second one.

Brush the tortillas with some olive oil. Put them on a baking tray covered with slightly oiled foil and bake in the 200°C oven till they start turning golden (this should take around 10 minutes per quesadilla). Take the quesadillas out, cut with pizza knife and enjoy.

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  1. The quesadillas look great and so does the guacamole. Two great combintations.

  2. Thank you Food Frenzy! Yes, these are genius simple dishes. I think that's why they got popular across the globe. That's the kind of food I like the most!
